About Us

Grow with the Support of Conscious Leaders

At CLT, we're committed to empowering you and your team with leadership development that embraces conscious principles. Our experienced leaders support you in taking full responsibility, fostering curiosity, and cultivating emotional intelligence. With a focus on integrity, positive communication, and collaborative solutions, we help your business thrive effortlessly. No hassle, all progress!

Hey there,

I'm Chad!

I'm the founder of Conscious Leadership Trainings, specializing in leadership development and organizational transformation.

At the start of my career, I ventured into management and entrepreneurship without significant mentorship. Although I participated in coaching programs at big companies like Electronic Arts, Nintendo, and Relic Entertainment, these were often practical and foundational but didn't address the specific issues faced by new managers or rapidly growing teams, particularly in software and technology sectors. As an entrepreneur, I learned many lessons on the job through both successes and learning experiences.

I've been working with entrepreneurs and executives for 14 years, tackling a variety of challenges and applying a deep understanding of conscious leadership. Over the past decade, I've honed my skills in addressing the impact of our inner world, becoming more self-aware, and leading with a conscious and mature approach. By understanding and managing our shadow elements and instinctual gifts, leaders can build strong collaborative teams. My passion lies in empowering business leaders because they have the potential to influence everyone within their organizations, transforming company cultures and enhancing how we relate to one another. This transformative approach not only improves the work environment but also extends into personal lives and communities.


  • Imagine having a leadership team that is cohesive, motivated, and aligned with your organizational goals.

  • How much growth will you be able to achieve now that you have the tools to build more effective trusting teams within your company?

Our mission is to cultivate visionary leaders who drive transformative change, creating a more harmonious world where radical responsibility, curiosity about others, and a sense of wonder are the hallmarks of innovative leadership.


1. Ownership

Take full responsibility for your professional and personal life, ensuring your well-being in all aspects. Support others in taking full responsibility for their actions and decisions, avoiding blame and adopting a proactive mindset.

2. Curiosity and Learning

Embrace continuous self-awareness and view every interaction as an opportunity to learn. Foster a culture of curiosity to drive growth and innovation, remaining open and adaptable. Approach learning with discipline to ensure continuous improvement.

3. Emotional Intelligence

Fully experience and process your emotions, using this awareness to enhance your leadership and interpersonal effectiveness. Avoid suppressing or avoiding emotions, which can hinder authentic connections and effectiveness.

4. Integrity and Candor

Communicate honestly and transparently, ensuring alignment between your words and actions. Foster an environment where open and candid conversations are encouraged, building trust and integrity.

5. Positive Communication

Address concerns directly with involved parties and encourage open dialogue. End gossip and foster a culture of respect and constructive feedback, promoting positive and direct communication.

6. Appreciation and Recognition

Actively appreciate and recognize the contributions of others. Foster a culture of gratitude and acknowledgment, avoiding entitlement and resentment.

7. Collaborative Solutions

Seek win-win solutions that benefit all parties involved. Approach problems and opportunities with a mindset of collaboration and shared success, prioritizing collective gain over individual wins.

We partner with your team to enhance operational excellence and tackle modern business challenges, ensuring measurable success. Transform your organization with our innovative coaching and training programs that foster a high-trust environment, reduce workplace drama, and boost employee engagement. Elevate your leadership and build a thriving work culture with us.

Leadership psychology principles based on the work of author and therapist Phil T. Mistlberger, and his Conscious Relationship Trainings.

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